Martha Mondays, week one

It was my first week to be a part of Martha Mondays (a group of internet folk attempting one Martha Stewart craft, project, or recipe together every week), and I was looking forward to making the Muffin Pan Potato Gratins that Perfecting Pru selected.
Especially after a long week of prep and cooking for Thanksgiving, it was great to have something simple and delicious to prepare. The recipe couldn't have been any easier, and I am thrilled to have a new no-fuss way to make potatoes on a weeknight that doesn't require any special trips to the store and only takes a few minutes to prep and clean up.

Here it is -slices of potatoes with s/p and a tablespoon of cream in each cup, baked for 35 minutes.
I would love to try it next time with rosemary in between the potato layers, or maybe shredded cheese?
Also, it would have been prettier if I had chosen potatoes that would fit neatly in my muffin cups.

The gentleman friend approved - he liked that they were crispy on the bottom and looked nice on the plate. Younger brother of gentleman friend said the potatoes were "totally awesome."

I served them with parmesan porkchops, applesauce, roasted asparagus, homemade cornbread, and sparkling cider.
Perfect Saturday meal. Thanks, Perfecting Pru!


  1. I loved these too! I admit to adding cheese and garlic to mine but I really like your idea of adding rosemary. There are a lot of variations one could make with these. These are a perfect way to serve potatoes to guests because they are so cute and yummy.

  2. I agree (sorry it took me a few days to figure out why it wasn't letting me post a comment). I also think it would be fun to make with kids - lots of shapes and measuring and oven magic :)


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