This kind of crappy cauliflower soup I made

So. I made a soup. It was my turn to pick the Martha Mondays recipe for the group - I wanted to pick something healthy because I, for one, had been eating sweets and fattening foods all through the holidays and I needed a break. The January living had a vegan pureed soup - caluiflower with kale. Very simple - boil the veggies (including an onion), add some salt and pepper and olive oil, puree and serve.
Here is my pot - sauteeing the heck out of an onion:

Then I cut up the cauliflower with my AMAZING new MAC knife from Japan that Mom gave me for Christmas. I can't say enough good things about this Chef's knife. Sharp as can be, perfectly weighted, feels great in my hand - I LOVE IT.
 Also - these are the best-christmas-presents-ever (also from Mama). Shiny new copper pots that my darling boyfriend let me hang on the wall. Also, we spent a Friday night at home rearranging the kitchen (because I moved in this week!) and all of that nonsense on the shelves to the right is safely boxed away. Phew.
 Anyway, about the soup. Here's the stupid cauliflower (it is really hard to type cauliflower, i just learned) in the pot.
 boil, simmer, add kale and dill, stir.
 blend it to heck in little batches, pour into bowls, drizzle, add dill to garnish  - 
and prepare to enjoy a superbland babyfood-like soup.
 I don't know what to think - I love all of the ingredients (dill, cauliflower, kale, oilive oil) but all together they made a one-dimensional soup. I am glad I made it - I never made a pureed soup before - and it gives me a jumping-off point for next time I try a soup like this.

The gentleman friend was game - he tried it - but politely said "it's not my favorite thing you've ever made." I froze some (not too sure why) and turned some into compost. 

Oh, and it's ok if the soup is kinda bland when this is the main course:
(Hawaiian tuna marinated in homemade lime parsley dressing, ficelle croutons with dill, clementines, avocado, and a pretty little spinach salad.)


  1. I love your post about the soup! We liked it but I admit I did make a few changes. Congratulations on your move-in and what a wonderful man to let you hang pots on the wall. My husband wouldn't let me do that!

  2. Thank you so much for your note! Hanging the pans is temporary until we get a suspended rack - for the meantime, though, it sure is handy to have things close at hand - and I love looking at the pretty copper pots!
    I am thinking of adding potatoes, madras curry and carrots to the leftover soup that we froze. or maybe sharing it with someone who needs some super-healthy baby food :)


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